malus family tree

I have often been confused about the species within the genus Malus. I usually refer to apples as Malus spp. (meaning more than one unnamed species) and that feels sufficient. I’m familiar with M. domestica and sometimes come across a M. sargentii or M. ionensis, a crabapple that is native to the prairie regions of the upper Midwest. But good ol’ midwinter curiosity took ahold of me and I decided to find out more. I made this diagram representing 40 species, based largely on information found in the Malus wikipedia page with some supplementary internet searches. I found the diversity of region of origin fascinating. I knew that M. domestica, our most common eating apple, originated in the mountains of Kazakhstan but wow - wild apples evolved all over the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere! And check out these leaf shapes :


M. florentina // M. triloba // M. coronaria // M. toringo

Sarah Claassen